In this series of posts, we’re breaking down how to create a sales funnel, the decisions to make along the way, how to track what happens, and how to interpret the results. We’re doing all this so that we can better answer the question “Where should I focus my energy the next time I launch this offer?”

By now, you’ve:

  • Created your offer (an online course, in this case)
  • Grown your audience
  • Run a challenge to help your audience members get a quick win
  • Delivered a masterclass where you pitched your course to dive deeper

Now, you want to see how many people visited your sales page. In our next post, we’ll look at the final step, how many people bought your course.

A large red question mark in front of a white figure with its arms crossed.Layer 3: How many people visited your Sales page?

At this point, you’re answering the questions:
  • How enticing was what you said in the masterclass and what you wrote in your emails?
  • How good were you at nailing your audience’s concerns, at conveying that, and convincing them that you might have the answer?

How to track

To set this up, again, you’ll want to tag everyone who visits your sales page.

Now, for this path through the funnel, they could come to your sales page from an email or from a post on social media.

Ideally, you’ll integrate your website with your email system so that the pair of them combine to use cookies on your website to recognise that this person who’s just clicked on the link they saw in your Facebook post, for example, is actually Bob who’s also on your mailing list. At that point, your email system would tag Bob to say he’s visited your sales page.

It’s much more straightforward to set up your email system to tag anyone who clicks the link from an email to say they’ve gone to your sales page. You’ve been doing that all along already!

Now that you have set up your tracking, share it in all the places!

pile of 3d social media iconsWhat were your results?

After your launch, you look at your numbers in your email system and you see that, of the people who visited your sales page:

  • 9 came from Instagram
  • 225 came from Facebook
  • 30 came from LinkedIn

What were your conversion rates?

To find these for this step, take the number of people who visited your sales page and divide by the number who attended your masterclass.

Pie chart showing about two-thirds and one-third, with an Instagram logo over the larger piece.
Instagram: 9 15 = 60.0% conversion rate
Pie chart showing three-fourths and one-fourth, with a Facebook logo over the larger piece.
Facebook: 225 300 = 75.0% conversion rate
Pie chart showing three-fourths and one-fourth, with a LinkedIn logo over the larger piece.
LinkedIn: 30 40 = 75.0% conversion rate
Pie chart showing about three-fourths and one-fourth, with logos for Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn over the larger piece.
Total: 264  355 = 74.4% conversion rate

What does that mean?

These are really high rates, so you know that you’re saying all the right things to get people to click through to your sales page. You’re really good at nailing your audience’s concerns and convincing them that you might have the answer. Well done!

You seem to have nailed it for your Facebook and LinkedIn audiences a bit better than for Instagram, but at this point we’re dealing with small numbers for Instagram, so we need to avoid reading too much into them.

In general, in statistics, you need to use different methods and think differently about groups of less than 30 people than groups with 30 or more people. I won’t go into the mechanics of that here, but it has to do with the central limit theory.

For us, for here and now, we’ll just know that we need to avoid reading too much into our Instagram results from this point (actually the last step, layer 2c), because our number of people in that group has dropped below 30.

What next?

In our next entry, we’ll look at how many people bought your course! We’ll think about things to track on the sales page, and what our results mean.

Check out the whole series here.

Hi, I’m Sara-Jayne Slocombe of Amethyst Raccoon. I help your small business thrive using the power of your numbers, empowering you so that you have the confidence and knowledge to run your business profitably and achieve the goals you’re after.

I am a UK-based  Business Insights Consultant, which means I look at your data and turn it into information and insights. I separate the noise from the signal and translate it all into actions that you can actually take in your business.

I also facilitate the Power Pod Roundtable, which is a business discussion group.

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Go from data novice to strategically leading your small business using data

Sara-Jayne Slocombe