You’ve told people about your offer, and some of them heard you! Now, how many of them took you up and signed up for your challenge?
Following on from our previous post, today we’re thinking about
- How to answer this question
- What questions are behind this question
- How to track it
- How to get the answer
- What those results mean
Let’s crack on!
Layer 2a: How many people signed up for your challenge?
Here, we’re trying to answer the question:
- How well did your posts speak to your audience?
You could break this down into questions like:
- Did you hit on one of their most pressing concerns?
- Did you present yourself in such a way that they believed you could have the answer to that problem? Did you look credible, approachable, and all the things they want for a solver of that problem?
How to track it
Your first step is to set up the tracking so you can answer these.
Ideally, you’ll paste links in all these social media posts (or link in bio on Instagram) to your challenge signup. To sign up, they’ll need to enter their email address, which will put them in your email system. When they do, you’ll want it automatically tagging them in your email system based on which platform them came from.
There are a couple of ways to do this, depending on your email system and website platform:
You could get your website to recognise the referrer (that is, see that they came from Instagram vs Facebook vs LinkedIn) and tag them when adding them to your email list.
You could use a different challenge signup form and page for each social network. This means you give out one link on Instagram, a different link on Facebook, and another link on LinkedIn. You can create the page once on your website and then copy it and give it a different URL (address). You’ll want to also replace the email signup form on that page with a different one that’s set up to tag the contact to the associated network. This does mean you can tweak the landing page to speak to just those followers, so you may prefer this method.
Once you have a way of counting who’s joined your challenge from each social network, you’re ready to share those links and drive signups to your challenge.
What were your results?
After it’s all said and done, you check your numbers, and you find that of people who signed up for your challenge:
- 200 came from Instagram
- 800 came from Facebook
- 106 came from LinkedIn
What were your conversion rates?
To get your conversion rate, take the number of people who signed up for your challenge and divide that by the number of people who heard your offer.
- Instagram: 200 1,000 = 20.0% conversion rate
- Facebook: 800 1,200 = 66.7% conversion rate
- LinkedIn: 106 1,058 = 10.0% conversion rate
- Total: 1,106 3,258 = 33.9% conversion rate
What does that mean?
From this, again we can see that you’re speaking best to your Facebook audience, and worst to your LinkedIn audience.
We’re already starting to form the idea that our answer to our overarching question, which audiences to focus on for your next launch, will probably include Facebook and exclude LinkedIn.
What next?
In our next post, we’ll tackle how many people signed up for your masterclass, and what to do with that information.
Hi, I’m Sara-Jayne Slocombe of Amethyst Raccoon. I help your small business thrive using the power of your numbers, empowering you so that you have the confidence and knowledge to run your business profitably and achieve the goals you’re after.
I am a UK-based Business Insights Consultant, which means I look at your data and turn it into information and insights. I separate the noise from the signal and translate it all into actions that you can actually take in your business.
I also facilitate the Power Pod Roundtable, which is a business discussion group, and the AIM HIGH Mastermind, which is a small group of business owners who want to move their businesses forward.
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