Nail Your Prices!

How to price your handmade products so they make a profit with every sale

A 3-part mini-course delivered live

Part 1: Covering Your Costs

  • Some common pricing mistakes
    • Pricing based on what feels right
    • Pricing based on what you would pay if you were the customer – you are not your ideal customer
    • Pricing based on competitors’ pricing
    • Assuming you need to make a loss for the first couple of years
  • How to calculate your production costs
  • A couple of different methods of calculating your overheads

Part 2: Adding profit

  • What profit is
  • Profit margins
  • How to add profit to your price

Part 3: Adding Markup

  • What markup is
  • What it covers
  • How much markup to add
  • How to calculate your retail price with markup
  • A final worked example

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