Thank you!
Thank you so much for signing up to hear more about the Power Pod Roundtable!
I’m really excited about this. Building community is one of my deepest joys, so I’m thrilled you’re part of mine!
Next steps
Once 4 people have joined the waiting list, I’ll write to you to ask if you’re ready to join.
If at least 4 people are ready to join, I’ll arrange interviews.
Why interviews?
It’s vital that the group is a good fit for you, and that everyone in the group is a good fit for each other.
The best way to know that is for you and I to have a chat.
We’ll talk about
What you hope to get out of the Power Pod Roundtable
Your current challenges in your business
Your vision for the future
And if I don’t think the group is a good fit for you, I will tell you.
If you’ve been in my world any length of time, you’ll know that honesty and integrity are among my highest values.
It’s far more important to me to help you find the right solution for your needs than to for you to buy from me.
Between now and then, if you’d like to connect with me on social media, LinkedIn is the place I’m most active.