Attention Small Business Owner:

Are you ready to start the year with a strategy so you know how many sales you need to bring home the money you need, want, and deserve?

You know you need clear goals and a strategy to hit them, but you feel completely overwhelmed!

Does this sound like you?

  • You hate looking at your numbers
  • You can’t separate your feelings of self-worth from your finances long enough to come up with a plan
  • You don’t know where to start – so many numbers swimming around these days!

Right now, I know you are feeling stuck.

You are lost, confused, and can’t see a way forward.

You need more profit from your business.

It makes sense that more sales should mean more profit. So you’ve busted your butt and boosted your sales, but you don’t seem to have much to show for it. You’re at your wit’s end, despairing as the end of another year approaches.

You are worried that if you can’t figure this out, you’ll need to close your business, let down your team, and go back to employment.

Or, you want to grow, but can’t figure out how to get past the glass ceiling you keep hitting. You know you need to do something different, but you’re not sure what.

Maybe you’ve tried asking your accountant for this information before, but they either couldn’t help you, or baffled you with gobbledygook words.

Imagine how it would feel if you had a roadmap for exactly where you want to go to follow in the year ahead!

What if you could start with the profit you need and work out the sales you need to make?

What if you could work out how many leads, prospects, visitors, and markets you’ll likely need to attract or book to make those sales?

What if you could boil it down to an actionable task list, with numbers of networking events to attend, email campaigns to send, markets to book, advertising campaigns to create, and so on?

What if you had a framework for keeping track through the year of your marketing efforts so you could see which was worth spending more time on, and which you should ditch?

What if you could set yourself a realistic expenses budget?

Wouldn’t you love being able to confidently answer, “Can I afford this opportunity and stay on track to meet my profit needs and goals?”

And if the answer is that it falls outside your expenses budget but you’d dearly love to make it work, wouldn’t it be amazing to answer, “How many extra sales do I need to make to pay for this opportunity?”

Best of all, wouldn’t it be brilliant to get some support putting all this together?

It was seriously helpful. It was a lot of information, but it’s the information I need to take me away from my fear. The fact I’ve got a spreadsheet that I can put the information in I think will also help me with what actions I now need to take. I need to use this in order to help me because honestly, I’m petrified of money.

To physically see how many I need to sell in order to get to that amount is gold dust. If I miss it, I know what I need to make up. This will help me target what I need to do instead of simply thinking about what I fancy. This is what I should have done 4 years ago when I started, but this is my year to turn it around.

— Caroline Bailey, Hunkington House Kitchen

Caroline Bailey

Introducing my Financial Goal Setting 1:1 Strategy Session!

That will help you be strategic about how you spend your time to get the profit you need, want, and deserve

What makes this financial goal setting strategy session different?

It’s focused on your business. We don’t tackle any personal finances in this session.

It’s not recommending any financial products. I don’t get a kick back from anything in this session because that’s not what it’s about. It’s just about helping you with the calculations you need to set the goals and create the action plan that will carry you forward successfully.

It’s for you regardless of your current income or sales level. This isn’t about investing, this is about getting your profits and sales where they need to be. So it’s for everyone running a small business in the UK.

It’s short, sharp, focused help on building you a roadmap to carry you through the next year. We don’t have dozens of meetings over several years. After just one session, you walk away with everything you need to crack on with the rest of your never-ending list – and to know which of those tasks to prioritise.

It’s from a UK-based solo entrepreneur. I’m not a wealth management advisor working for some large conglomerate who will struggle to understand your market. I’m right here in the UK (between Manchester and the Peak District).

And it’s not a DIY spreadsheet or planner for you to find your own way with. Let’s be real, that generally ends up being a struggle for fifteen … maybe thirty … possibly even sixty minutes, if you’re really dedicated. Then it’s cast aside for something easier and more enjoyable – like the thing you got into business to do in the first place. No, you get my support, and we’ll work through it together. It’ll be done and ready for you at the end of our session or soon after.

By the end of these 2x 45-minute sessions, you will know

What to focus on and how to keep on track for the year ahead

It doesn’t matter whether your year begins in January, April, October, or any other time.

Or maybe you’re partway through your year and looking for a hand knowing how to reset and restart.

This is an annual strategy session that you’ll come away from armed with knowing what to focus on and how to keep on track.

Crucially, you’ll leave with a spreadsheet that will help you stay on track the whole year through.

  • Spot if you’ve fallen behind and know what you need to do to make it up.
  • Spot if you’re ahead so you can tweak your goals or maybe take some extra time off.
Photo of a zoom call with spreadsheets on computer screens.

Here’s what you’ll get in your sessions

A tangible, action-oriented plan

You’ll come knowing how much money you want to take home from your business in the year ahead.

Together, we’ll find:

  • How much in sales do you need to make?
    • If you aim for £40k in sales, you won’t bring home £40k. Knowing how much in sales to aim for will help you bring home what you need, want, and deserve.
  • How much can you then spend on expenses?
    • Ever have what seems like an unmissable opportunity come up? Maybe it’s a perfectly-timed course, or a mastermind, or a rare 1:1 with someone you’ve followed for years. Maybe your supplier’s offering volume discounts and you can pay half as much per unit if you order ten times your usual amount. How many times have you just crossed your fingers, pressed the buy button, and hoped for the best?
    • Wouldn’t you rather know how much you can spend on expenses, so you can answer that question, “Can I afford this?” with confidence?
    • And if the answer is “Not right now,” wouldn’t you love to know how many more sales you need to make so that you can afford it? That’s what this step gives you.
  • How many orders or clients do you need?
    • Whether you’re selling services or products, knowing whether you need to make 1 or 1,000 sales each month helps you to have something concrete to aim for. Plus, you know when to do the little happy dance and when to do the big one!
  • How many visitors or prospects do you need?
    • Not everyone you speak to on a sales call will buy your services (if they do, you’re underpriced). Not everyone who visits your shop or website or market stall will buy from you. But how many prospective buyers do you need to attract to make the sales you need? Here, we’ll get another concrete number for you to aim for.
  • What do you need to focus on in the months, quarters, and year ahead to bring in those prospects and sales?
    • Should you sell more of this or that? Should you focus more on networking or Google Ads? By diving into your numbers, we’ll see where you’ll do best to focus your attention in the year ahead.
    • You’ll also leave armed with a structure to continue to gauge the effectiveness of your various marketing activity, so you can adjust through the year.
Joanne Roach

She went through all kinds of concepts but in a way that I could really understand and didn’t make me feel foolish for the bits that I didn’t quite grasp at first.

Best of all, she provided me with a spreadsheet that was already set up for me to do calculations … It has taken such a lot of work off my plate having the spreadsheet set up exactly the right way for a business like mine

Most of all, recommended if you want help from someone who passionately cares about you making a good living from the thing that you do, and wants you to succeed.

— Joanne Roach, The Foodies

Others charge £2,400, £750, £500, or £250

for a 1:1 financial planning strategy session.

You can book today for an investment of only £99!

Why so much less?

  • Because we are hyper-focused on just your business (not personal) financial goals.
  • Because this is not for the super-rich.
  • Because it’s two short, sharp sessions, not a lifetime of fortnightly meetings! Ain’t nobody got time for that.

By investing this small amount of time and money into your business today, you can end the year in a much better place!

Book Now

Be the architect of your own success – arm yourself with the knowledge to push your business where you need and want it to go!

Meet Sara-Jayne – your new strategy partner!

  • I’ve been running my business, Amethyst Raccoon, since 2019.
  • In that time, I’ve helped dozens of businesses get insight into their numbers.
  • My degree is in Mathematics.
  • I am a qualified and experienced bookkeeper.
  • I speak your language, not numbers-ese.

I love all things numbers, but I don’t think numbers should rule us. Rather, numbers are here to serve us, to help us bring about our hopes and dreams. To me, we should dream first, then see how to use numbers to help us get there.

Sara-Jayne Slocombe
Teresa Heath-Wareing smiling and holding a mug

Sara-Jayne carried out an hour masterclass in my group for small business owners. She was super well prepared and gave so much value. Sara-Jayne knows her subject so well and was able to give the attendees with practical and useful knowledge. She also helped increase their confidence in understanding what they could and shouldn’t do.

Thank you Sara-Jayne it was super helpful.

— Teresa Heath-Wareing, Dream Business Club

Is it for you?

Ways to know you’re ready for a roadmap to follow in the year ahead

  • You’re fed up of the fuzzy feeling of uncertainty.
  • You want to expand your team, but you need to know what sales to produce reliably before you can commit.
  • You’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start with this sort of thing.

This financial goal setting strategy session is not for you if

  • You have no idea how much profit you need or want to bring home in the coming year.
  • You do not have any numbers to work with from last year – we’ll need your sales, expenses, and number of orders/clients to start with.
  • You are not ready to be honest about your historic sales and expenses figures. I’m not here to judge, I’m here to help you get where you want to go. All things to do with numbers are garbage in, garbage out – there’s no sense in putting in rubbish figures, because it’ll only give you a useless roadmap.
  • Your business is not UK-based.
  • Your business is part of a group of businesses.

Don’t let another year go by before you hit your profit goals!

Why set yourself up to sit there 12 months from now, still frustrated and forlorn?

If you’re struggling now, the sooner you get clarity on what to do, the better your chances are of keeping your business alive – and keeping it enjoyable.

If you want to expand, the sooner you get a roadmap to help you, the sooner you can create the business of your dreams.

Now is the time.

Today is the day.

Book your session, get clarity, and improve your future!

You have questions?

No problem, I have the answers!

Q. I can't afford this right now.

If you don’t invest in your business, it will never get where you need it to go.

That said, I know that there are times when it doesn’t matter how good or useful or well-priced the offer, the cash may simply not be there for it. I have created several free resources to help everyone, regardless of cash flow, to move their business forward. Please check them out.

Q. Can I not just do this myself?

Yes, you can, but if you need a hand sticking with it, knowing what questions to ask and how to find the answers, and knowing how to make the formulas work in a spreadsheet, then you’re much better off booking this session instead of struggling on your own.

Q. What if it doesn't work?

Our aim for the session is to provide you a roadmap (primarily in the form of spreadsheets) so you know what targets you need to hit in the months, quarters, and year ahead. 

You hitting those goals is entirely within your power. You’ll need to enter your sales, expenses, and marketing information each month, and check to see whether you’re still on track. You’ll need to push to make the sales, keep your expenses within budget, and adjust when the market changes. It’s all entirely within your grasp.

Q. I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

My specialty is meeting entrepreneurs where they are now. With many years of training behind me, I enjoy and am good at breaking things down so that you can understand them, no matter what level you’re starting at.

The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll build your dream business.

Q. Will you speak in plain language I can understand? I can barely grok what my accountant tells me.

Yes! I have many years of training and tutoring behind me. My goal is always to bring clarity and empowerment to you. I do this by meeting you where you are now, judgement-free. I am good at breaking things down so that you can understand them; I take special delight in making what seems inaccessible accessible.

Q. How do I book the second session?

We will book it together before we finish your first session.

It should be about 2 weeks after your first session, but no more than 30 days.

Q. Will I have to pay again for the second session?

No, your one payment of £99 covers both sessions. There’s nothing else to pay.

Q. I have another question that's not listed here
I’m here to serve. Just drop me an email and ask away!

What are you waiting for?